Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sitting in Paris

I am just waiting for my next flight to Africa in about 30 minutes, so I thought I would jump on and post some of my thoughts thus far. After being on a plane for some time I am ready just to land in Burkina Faso.

My first thought is that I am proud to be an American. So many times we take for granted the things that we have. We complain about security in our airports taking too long. No lie, it took me almost 2 hours to get through security in Paris. I got patted down by a guard (after I walked through the metal detecter with no problem), and then they searched my bag again. They did this for almost EVERY PERSON!!!!!

The airport here, stinks! Like, literally smells bad. I have no idea what it is, but it smells like sewage.

This is a neat place, but I am really looking forward to going to Africa, then coming home. Well, people are starting to line up to board, so I'm out for now! I'll try to keep this updated.

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