Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life in Africa-DAY 3

What another great day!
Again, woke up late....I'm starting to notice a pattern.

Anywho, things went great today.  We went to three more schools, and these kids were so grateful and happy to get a backpack!!!  It really enabled me to put things into perspective.  The Bible is so true when it says that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.  There is so much to be done and so much that CAN be done.  The lifestyle is absolutely indescribable.  There are wild animals everywhere (tell about that in a second), wells that people walk miles to get to, and sickness that can be prevented!!!!

I am on medicine for malaria; the medicine cost me a mere 15 dollars.  There are children dying everyday from a disease that could be prevented with a 15 dollar investment.  The costs are extremely low, so why don't we (myself included) take advantage of that opportunity to give a helping hand?   

About those animals.  Today as we were driving down the street, I saw an animal I didn't expect to see.  I'm getting used to the wild donkey, goat, dog, chicken,  and roosters.  But today I saw a wild pig.  The thing was just running down the street.  It's really not that big of a deal but it was very interesting to me.  

About the events: we hosted 3 events today and gave out over 700 gifts to African children.  It was an awesome day.  We have 3 more schools tomorrow....and a lot more kids!!!

I would like to close this post with a little story from today.  As we were handing out gifts in the second school, I was assigned to work one class by myself.  Note that I don't know any French except for what I picked up here.  So I walked into the class and began to hand out the gifts.  The children were ecstatic!!!  Not using 1 word, I was able to communicate with these kids.  It was such a beautiful thing to watch these kids, who know nothing about me, pour out their expression of gratefulness.  It really was a beautiful thing to see....and if I had tear glands I might have even begun to cry!  Until tomorrow, JOSH.

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

How exciting to see those language barriers break down and to remember that there are so many other ways of communicating!