Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life in Africa-DAY 1

I have been in Ouagadougou for an entire day now.  It is very different from America but it is also very different from Kiev.  I am a smell sensitive person.  Kiev smelled like metal in water.  (I don't know how else to explain it) Burkina smells like a constant bar-b-que.  It is extremely hot today; it was about 94 degrees in Ouagadougou.  

Besides the intense heat, I went to an African church service (2.5 hours long).  It was very enlightening.  To see people of a different culture than myself, worshiping the same God as I do, was awesome! 

Tomorrow we begin our outreaches at 6:00 AM, I will need to go to bed now, but I will update again tomorrow!   

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

"metal in water" to describe a smell--how poetic!